Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's Raining It's Pouring....

This morning the rain fell in sheets. For the first hour we were under canopy planting warm weather veggies including several varieties of peppers, cucumbers, purple tomatillos, squash and okra. When the rain cleared we turned to harvesting lettuce and thinning the beds that had peas. It was nice to see our "Three Sisters" start to sprout, as well as the carrots that I had planted two weeks prior. The intention for the day had been building with natural materials, which were able to get to in the last hour. Below is a natural wall of palm fronds that grow abundantly on the property. The brown fronds were existing, the green ones we added to fill in gaps on the bamboo trellis. 

The wall provides privacy for the outdoor bathroom. The rain catcher harvests rain water and serves as the "sink". The walls of the bathroom are made from bamboo also grown on the property.

This morning we also tended to the worms! The vermicompost is 4 layers and the red wigglers feed on junk mail and kitchen scraps. The casings (bacteria based) provide fertilizer for the vegetable garden while the compost tea from the compost pile (fungus based) are a better fertilizer for the fruit trees.

Here is Terry selecting seeds for us to plant. We are under the house while the rain pours down.

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